Transgender Day of Visibility and Action

On Transgender Day of Visibility and every day, let's work together to create a world where transgender and gender nonconforming people are celebrated, respected, and embraced for who they are. Together, we can build a more inclusive and equitable society for all. Say it loud and proud: trans and nonbinary folks have, and always will, belong everywhere. Happy #TransDayOfVisibility! #SayTrans

Read along to learn how to be a better advocate and ally.

Educate Yourself:

Take the time to learn about transgender identities, experiences, and issues. Seek out resources such as books, articles, documentaries, and websites authored by transgender individuals or experts in the field. Educating yourself is the first step towards understanding and supporting the transgender community.

Listen and Amplify:

Listen to the voices of transgender people and amplify their stories and experiences. Respect their perspectives and avoid speaking over them. Use your platform and privilege to elevate transgender voices in conversations, media, and advocacy efforts.

Create Inclusive Spaces:

Foster inclusive environments where transgender individuals feel safe, respected, and affirmed. Whether it's in your workplace, school, social circles, or public spaces, strive to create inclusive policies, practices, and attitudes. Challenge gender norms and create space for diverse expressions of gender identity.

Be an Ally Every Day:

Being an ally to transgender people isn't just about one day or one event—it's an ongoing commitment to support and uplift the transgender community. Practice allyship every day by being mindful of your words and actions, advocating for transgender rights, and standing up against transphobia wherever you encounter it.

Challenge Transphobia:

Speak up against transphobic attitudes, behaviors, and comments. Whether it's confronting offensive jokes, discriminatory policies, or harmful stereotypes, challenge transphobia whenever you encounter it. Be an active bystander and support transgender individuals facing discrimination or harassment.

Use Correct Pronouns and Names:

Respect people's gender identities by using their correct pronouns and chosen names. If you're unsure about someone's pronouns, ask respectfully. Avoid making assumptions based on appearance or past experiences. Making an effort to use the correct pronouns shows respect and validates transgender identities.

Learn more here: Homepage - PFLAG


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