Connections Host Homes

We’re in a time where it takes all of us to make sure our youngest and most vulnerable community members stay housed and are able to thrive. The Connections Host Home Program provides a way for Snohomish County community members—like you—to have a tangible impact in reducing youth homelessness in your own community.

What is a host home?

A host home is a short-term housing option for youth at risk of or experiencing homelessness. The goal of a host home is to provide a safe, temporary, and welcoming space where a young person has the support needed to reunify with their family or identify other housing options.

Who is a host home?

Host homes are families -of all kinds- and individuals from our community who want to make a difference in a young person's life by opening up a space in their heart and home. Host homes not only provide a room in their home for a young person but play a vital role in creating a safe and stable environment.

How does a youth qualify?

To be a part of the Host Homes Program a youth has to be between 12 - 17 years old, be at risk of or experiencing homelessness, and be willing to work with a case manager, live in Snohomish County, have goals around housing, employment, education, and life-skill development.

Why are host homes needed?

Youth find themselves needing a safe place to stay for any number of reasons, including family conflict, abuse, poverty, or being evicted because of gender identity or sexual orientation. Host homes provide a healthy and environment for a youth to re-engage in school, re-unify with their family (when possible), and begin working on other important goals.

What support is available during a stay?

The Connections staff are involved and available before, during, and after the stay. Youth have a dedicated case manager to help them have a successful experience and to work on goals for school, well-being, and long-term success. The Connections Program Coordinator walks step-by-step with the host home to make sure things are going well, provides support where needed, and answer any questions that might come up.

How do we learn more?

Learn more about us at

Email us at

Call us at 425-737-5419

All are welcome!


Transgender Day of Visibility and Action